Mail Chapbook orders to: Mosaic Musings, LLC c/o Lorraine Kanter 64 Hill Street Auburn, Massachusetts 01501 USA
Contact us:
All fields must be filled in (please print legibly).
Name: __________________________________ Phone#: ( ) ___________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Address 2: ______________________________________________________________
City: __________________________ State: ___________________ Zip: ___________
Country: _________________________ Pen name: ______________________________
Email Address: ___________________________________________________________
Books Subject/Category:
Poetry: _______ Short Stories: _______ Geneology: _______ Recipies: _______ Memoir: _______ Educational: _______ Children's Theme:_______ Other: _______
Manuscript Format:
MS Word: _______ Word Perfect: _______ Rich Text: _______ Other: _______
* At this time, we cannot accept MAC files. Our preferred method is MS Word, NotePad, WordPad or RTF.
Method of Payment
Money Order: _______ Check (U.S. only): _______ Cash: _______ PayPal: _______
* Make personal checks payable to: "Mosaic Musings, LLC". Cash payments are permitted, but will be mailed at your own risk. All payments must be in the form of U.S. Dollars/Funds. Mosaic Musings, LLC is not responsible for lost orders or payments. Any bounced/returned checks will be subjected to a $20.00 fee.
Chapbook Description
Mosaic Musings Publications offers tastefully designed, decoratively covered, professional quality chapbooks in 5.5" X 8.5" saddle-stitched (staple-bound) booklets of 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40 and 44 pages (not including introduction pages), which may contain about the author, dedication, and table of contents pages along with your poetry, short stories, personal memoirs, genealogies, song lyrics, recipes and other special print requests. As the author, you have the choice of color cover, cover design, font alignment (interior) and font text (from selected lists on our website). All our chapbooks feature 28 pound gloss white interior pages and 67 pound color covers. Typeset is black ink. We generally provide a turn around time of 3-4 weeks once the contract, payment and content are received. At this time, we will send one proof copy and allow for a maximum of fifteen (15) corrections from this proof. Once the proof has been accepted, there are additional fees for further changes. Once the final editing is complete, the shipment would be sent free of charge.
Pricing Structure In the below pricing structure, please circle the package and number of pages you desire.
Chapbook Design
1. _______________ Chapbook Package (based on Number of Content Pages in Chapbook as set forth in above Pricing Structure).
2. _______________ Chapbook Cover Design Choice(s) (see website for choices)
3. _______________ Chapbook Cover Paper Color (see website for choices)
4. _______________ Chapbook Cover Font Choice (see website for choices)
5. _______________ Chapbook Text Font Choice (see website for choices)
Text Alignment: Left:________ Centered:________ Justified:________ (short stories only)
Special Notes: __________________________________________________________
Introduction Pages (checkmark desired pages)
You may have two title pages.
1. ________ Title Page #1 (Chapbook title only)
2. ________ Title Page #2 (Chapbook title and author)
3. ________ Dedication
4. ________ About the Author
5. ________ Table of Contents (for poetry)
Special Notes: __________________________________________________________
Chapbook Ordering and Fees
$________ Price of Chapbook Package (as selected in Pricing Structure above)
$________ Color Cover Printing (FREE from website designs or $50.00 if own design)
$________ Color Text and Pictures (interior printing) ($100.00)
$________ Artwork or Photos to Scan @ $10.00 each (Total Number = _______)
$________ Handwritten Manuscripts typing fee ($75.00)
$________ Corrections exceeding the 15 error on proof copy requirements ($0.50 each)
$________ ISBN ($30.00) *
$________ Return disks, photos, artwork ($3.00)
$ ________ Barcode on back cover (FREE with publication)
$ ________ Shipping (FREE with publication)
$________ Total Amount Due
* ISBN, International Standard Book Number, is a 10-digit number that uniquely identifies books and book-like products. The purpose of the ISBN is to identify one book title and related products from one specific publisher to the next, allowing for more efficient marketing of products by booksellers, libraries, universities, wholesalers and distributors. Back Cover Printing
If you wish to sell your Chapbook at a different price (outside the Mosaic Musings website store), here is your chance to price them your way. Note – Mosaic Musings sells each Chapbook consisting of 16, 20, 24 or 28 pages of content for only $5.00 and Chapbooks consisting of 32, 36, 40 or 44 pages of content for $7.00 on its website, regardless of what you mark in this section.
________ Print the price ($5.00 or $7.00) on the back cover.
________ Do not print the price of my Chapbook on the back cover.
________ Print the price of $_________ on the back cover of my Chapbook.
Chapbook Publishing Agreement
Initial each of the following:
_________ I agree to pay Mosaic Musings to publish my Chapbook (U.S. Dollars only).
_________ I understand Mosaic Musings may reject my Chapbook submission for any reason.
_________ I represent and warrant to Mosaic Musings that all poetry, artwork, and other materials (the “Content”) submitted for my Chapbook is my own work and that I do not infringe or violate the rights of anyone else and that I am the sole owner to the rights to the Content. Furthermore, I understand that it is my sole responsibility to obtain any copyright permission necessary to publish the Content.
_________ I agree to indemnify Mosaic Musings and its affiliates, directors, officers, consultants and employees and hold them harmless from any and all claims and expenses, including attorney's fees, arising from my use of this service.
_________ If an outside artist has provided images for my Chapbook, I have provided Mosaic Musings with a release form from the artist.
_________ I am aware that Mosaic Musings is not responsible for my Content in the Chapbook.
_________ I understand Mosaic Musings will not return my Content (e.g. disks, photos, or artwork) unless I have included extra for shipping costs in my initial payment.
_________ I agree that Mosaic Musings is not responsible for any errors I make or overlook during the editing/proofreading process.
_________ I am aware that should corrections need to be made after the final draft of the Content has been approved, Mosaic Musings will not replace any Chapbook ordered if they have already been printed or shipped. Any replacement Chapbook may be ordered at my own expense. Also, corrections made to the final draft will be made at an additional fee of $25.00.
_________ I am fully aware that should I not want to proceed with publishing my Content with Mosaic Musings after I send in my manuscript and/or after receiving my proof copies, I am not entitled to a full refund. I will be refunded my money less the $150.00 setup fee included within the Chapbook pricing. See Chapbook Pricing Structure Chart. I further agree that once the PROOF copy has been returned to Mosaic Musings by me the order is NON-REFUNDABLE.
_________ I am aware that Mosaic Musings is not responsible for lost or damaged orders during the shipping process.
_________ Should I want to purchase additional copies of my Chapbook at a later date, they may be purchased for $3.00 (16-28 pages) or $5.00 (32-48 pages) a piece depending on selected amount of content (this price includes shipping). I understand I do not receive royalties on any discounted Chapbook which I purchase, or on my initial bulk purchase.
_________ I agree that should I change my mind about the
Chapbook agreement after
Initial one of the following:
_________ I grant Mosaic Musings permission to sell my Chapbook on its website for $5.00 or $7.00 (depending on selected amount of Content) each, take orders, collect monies from sales, and ship this item to customers at their own expense. Should any Chapbook sell from being advertised and sold on the Mosaic Musings site, I am entitled to 25% royalties from the net profits of each copy sold at retail. These royalty payments will be paid to me every three months (quarterly). Should I not receive any royalties during this time, Mosaic Musings will notify me of no monies earned. I may have my Chapbook publication removed from the Mosaic Musings Bookstore should I decide to forego selling my material on the Internet. At the same time, Mosaic Musings has the right to remove my Chapbook from its site one year from its release date should the sales from my publication equal ten or less.
_________ I DO NOT grant Mosaic Musings permission to sell my Chapbook on its website. My Chapbook publication is for personal use only.
Title of Chapbook: _______________________________________________
Author's Name: __________________________________________________
Author's Signature: ______________________________ Date: ___________
Chapbook Submission Checklist
Mosaic Musings, LLC c/o Lorraine Kanter 64 Hill Street Auburn, Massachusetts 01501