Chapbook Frequently Asked Questions
How do I place an order?
Placing your order is easy at Mosaic Musings Publications. To preview or print our Chapbook Order and Agreement Form, simply click here. *Best viewed with your browser window maximized at a screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768 pixels. Thank you for your interest and consideration!

How do I calculate the number of pages in my manuscript?
While font selections and spacing will vary, the general rule of thumb is 32 lines per page (including spacing) and 60 characters per line (including spacing). Short story manuscripts are generally double the number of pages in a standard Word document. For example, a 20 page short story typed in Word would equate to approximately a 40 page chapbook.

What if my manuscript page calculation ends up differing to the point of becoming another package price?
Mosaic Musings Publications understands that you may not know the exact number of pages your manuscript will be in the finished product. If, for any reason, your completed chapbook varies from the payment amount charged, we will either send you an adjusted invoice or refund you the difference in the package pricing.

What pricing packages do you offer?
Mosaic Musings Publications offers 8 packages that range in size and price from 25 copies (with 1 comp) for $175.00 up to 100 copies (with 5 comps) for $395.00. These books are yours to keep and distribute as you wish. Here is a summary of our packages (as found on our Order and Agreement form):
Quantity of
A Chapbook consisting of 16, 20, 24 or 28 pages of content
(sold at Mosaic Musings for $5.00 each):
A Chapbook consisting of 32, 36, 40 or 44 pages of content
(sold at Mosaic Musings for $7.00 each):
25 Copies (plus 1
Nomadic Package
Assyrian Package
50 Copies (plus 2
Egyptian Package
Greek Package
75 Copies (plus 3
Trojan Package
Roman Package
100 Copies (plus 5
Viking Package
Supreme Package

What if some of my manuscript's content has been previously published by another publisher?
Mosaic Musings Publications understands that you may have works previously published. As long as any first time publishing rights have expired (you will know timeframe by your contract with other publishers), we can accept the content. However, you will need to provide the credits for any previously published work. If you sell your copyrights to a publisher or magazine, we cannot publish those works.

What if part of my manuscript contains material (written, images or artwork) that was created by another party? Can I still use it in my chapbook?
Mosaic Musings Publications cannot publish any work that is not your own without written permission. Mosaic Musings Publications must have a signed release form from the originator of the "works" that would give us permission to use his/her work. For more information regarding U.S. Copyrights and Copyright Protection, click here.

How do I copyright my chapbook?
The easiest way is to type “copyright,” the year and your name on the manuscript and add "All Rights Reserved as an Unpublished Work”. Mail yourself a copy. Do not open the envelope! The postmark date and contents are proof of ownership. You may use only the word “copyright,” but the © symbol is necessary for international protection. You are not required to file for copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office to secure your copyright. By law, authors are protected from the moment a work is created. When the work is published, the copyright notice is printed on page 2. Authors are granted protection for the duration of the author’s life, plus an additional 50 years after death. You can copyright everything in a book except the title.
The only reason to formally register the copyright or establish a public record of your claim is if you are concerned about possible infringement suits. (Generally this is not an issue for chapbook authors.) This registration can be made any time after publication and within the duration of the copyright (i.e., while you are still breathing plus some!). The cost is $30 to file and takes about 16 weeks to receive the copyright certificate. The registered copyright is effective from the day it is received at the Copyright Office.
To file, contact the Copyright Office (URL and mailing address below) and request Form TX and circulars 1 and 2: Copyright Basics and Publications of the Copyright Office. Two copies of the book must be sent with the completed application. Send it registered or certified mail if you wish to confirm that the application has been received.
Register of Copyrights
Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20559
202-707-3000 (information line or form request)
202-707-9100 (to request forms)
202-707-5959 (information specialist)
The forms may also be downloaded with instructions at by clicking here.

What is an ISBN and Do I need one?
The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a 10-digit number that uniquely identifies books and book-like products published internationally. Its purpose is to establish and identify one title or edition of a title from one specific publisher and is unique to that edition, allowing for more efficient marketing of products by booksellers, libraries, universities, wholesalers and distributors. Any book with an ISBN is listed in Books in Print.
Not all chapbooks need an ISBN. If you plan to sell your chapbook in major bookstores or gift shops though, you should have one. Mosaic Musings Publications (MMP) can supply an ISBN (for $30), but this means the number is always registered with MMP and you cannot be listed as the publisher. If you want to file for your own ISBN as a publisher, it will cost a minimum of $225. The U.S. agency for ISBN is R.R. Bowker; the entire process can be completed on-line at

How do I submit my manuscript material?
You may submit your work by mail or email. If by postal mail courier, we request that you send your manuscript on a CD or floppy disk formatted in a plain text (.txt) or Word (.doc) document file . At the end of your manuscript, add the information required for your dedication, about the author and credit for previously published work. It is also a good idea to mail a hard copy of the file that shows line breaks and indents, which can get lost in translation. Be sure to include your completed Chapbook Order and Agreement Form and your payment for services.
You may also email us your manuscript and any artwork or images you want to include, and utilize our PayPal shopping cart to pay for your order by credit card or E-Check. We still require the completed Chapbook Order and Agreement Form by mail with your signature before we can begin the design of your special chapbook.

How long will it take to publish my chapbook?
From start to finish, on average, allow four to five weeks from the time MMP receives the manuscript and signed Agreement form to the day the finished books are delivered. It can certainly take less time than that or more. You should receive the first proof draft within a week to 10 days after receipt. Then there may be at least one and sometimes two more drafts before the book is approved (by you) for printing. How long this takes depends partly on the time you spend proofing (or revising) and the postal service.

To preview or print our Chapbook Order and Agreement Form, please click here. Thank you for your interest and consideration!
If you have any suggestions or comments, please direct them to

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